
饾棩饾棙-饾棓饾棧饾棧饾棢饾棞饾棖饾棓饾棫饾棞饾棦饾棥 in the 麻豆传媒高清 – Main Campus for the 1st Semester of School Year 2024 – 2025 is now 饾惃饾惄饾悶饾惂.
Please be guided by the following admission procedures and guidelines.
List of Applicants (Control Numbers) who can re-apply:
Google form for Re-application:
Kindly take note of the following important dates:
饾悓饾悮饾惒 饾煯饾煶, 饾煯饾煬饾煯饾煱 – Releasing of Results for Re-Application
饾悏饾惍饾惂饾悶 饾煯饾煬, 饾煯饾煬饾煯饾煱 – Last Day for Confirmation of Slots
Note: Late application and transferee-shiftee are not applicable in this procedure.